Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Just a little chunk of flesh!

Completed Project: Zombie Bite Picture #1

You will need:
  • Castor Oil
  • Make up or paint brush
  • Make up Sponge
  • Translucent powder.
  • Cream make up [foundation close to your skin colour]
  • Scar wax
  • Liquid latex
  • Spirit Gum
  • Cotton balls
  • Bruising make up
  • Fake Blood
  1. Wash and dry the area well.
  2. Decide where the injury has occurred [helps also knowing what caused the injury].
Dealing with the surrounding area.
  1. Wounds equal discolouration of the surrounding area.  Wounds that have just occurred may not have a lot of 'bruising' yet.  So be careful how much discolouration you actually might want to put on the surrounding area.   
  2. Cover the bruising with a translucent powder.
Creating the raw wound
  1. Apply reds and purples to the injured area.
    1. Keep the color splotchy not blended as the very 'splotchyness' gives dimension to the wounded flesh 
  2. Apply a layer of Spirit Gum.
  3. Wait till the gum has become  tacky.
  4. Mush some pieces of the cotton balls in the Fx wound.
  5. Allow some of the cotton balls ends to remain at the Fx wound sight.
  6. Repeat the make up on - gum and cotton ball chunk process.
  7. Pick at the Fx wound pulling away at the cotton ball chunks so that the cotton hairs still appear.
  8. When there is a build up that looks like the Fx wound is thick and fleshy and you are satisfied with stop adding the layers.
Making torn skin.
  1. Place a little cold cream or caster oil on your finger tips.
    1. Helps stop the wax from sticking on you and getting in your way.
  2. Using the scar wax and more cotton balls build up the Fx raw wounds surrounding area.
  3. Blend the wax into the skin on the external wound area.
    1. Keep the bits near the actual wound area torn and rough.
  4. The liquid latex now goes around the scar wax and around the surrounding area.
  5. Let the latex dry.
  6. Apply again a few more times.
  7. Apply a small amount of Caster oil on the wound site where the skin needs to be torn off looking.
    1. The Caster Oil application makes sure your Fx does not Stick too or pull at the Fx wound.
  8. Carefully dribble then brush out ward [aim from center to out side of wound ] 
Dealing with the surrounding area.

  1. Apply the Liquid Latex to the surrounding area.
  2. Allow the Liquid Latex to dry.
  3. Use a little Caster Oil over the latex.
  4. Wipe off the excess Caster Oil with a cotton ball or tissue.
  5. Blend the Liquid Foundation over the Fx and real skin area.
  6. Apply Fx blood. [ For this Fx wound apply thicker blood]
  7. Let the blood get into the crevices.
  8. Blot some of the blood off

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